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Welcome to New Hope Baptist Church, where everybody is somebody and 
our doors swing open on the Hinges of Love!

We have endeavored to make this website a useful tool in order to introduce ourselves to you.


It is important for anyone searching for a church to find one that is doctrinally sound and is a place where one can serve the body of Christ with his or her gifts. If you do not already attend a Christ-centered, Bible teaching church, then we would invite you to join us at either our Sunday morning or Wednesday evening service for a time of worship which is done through singing, prayer, preaching, fellowship and above all else, honor to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

About Us


The first vital statistics of New Hope Baptist Church were recorded on April 7, 1967, by the Town Clerk of Newington, New Hampshire.  Charter members who signed their names to the Articles of Agreement were:  Willie M. Matt (Kittery, Maine);  Lige A Williams (Kittery, Maine); Frances Satchell (Portsmouth, NH);  Bette L. Jarmon (Pease AFB, Portsmouth, NH);  Joseph Shaw (Pease AFB, Portsmouth, NH).

American Baptists

ABCUSA/ABCVNH is not a top-down structure, but considers the local church to be the primary unit of mission. American Baptists covenant together for the purpose of “advancing the cause of our divine Redeemer.” American Baptists do not have an official creed or statement of beliefs; the entire Bible is our creed. American Baptists honor the autonomy of every local church to determine the meaning of God’s word in the Bible as they practice their faith.

Ministerial Leadership
and Current Services


Website, Newsletter


Min. Holloway,    Senior Servant    

Min. Dye,              Ministerial Team 

Min Hilson,          Ministerial Team 

Bro C. Holloway Marketing ​




Sunday School 9:00am


Wednesday Bible Study 6:30-7:30pm





6:00pm Intercessory Prayer

Call-in:   1-605-562-8400

Passcode: 8621160#






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